Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm not blogging today...

...nope, no time.

If I was blogging today, though, I would be writing a little about Johnny Cake #2, a little about the upcoming Good Friday Road Race in Hamilton, Ontario, and a little about the naked, fat old guy rumpus I endure every time I go to the gym. Hint: possibly bad manners to stand at the sink, en flagrante, and dry you entire body with the hair dryer. Just sayin'.

More on all of this, for better and worse, soon.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yeah Yeah, I'm Still Here

Hey there blogland! It's been nearly 3 months since my last post, and I feel like a bit of a heel. A couple of you have been really sweet and asked me why I haven't been posting, which was a nice reminder that people actually read this blog. So here I am, large as life and twice as handsome. Eh?

The simple story is that following 'cross season I was seriously burned out and needed a break from bikes. Then my longtime training partner and teammate, Matt Purdy, retired from racing, I started playing tournament chess again, it got to be 9 degrees outside and I got depressed as hell. So there went January and February.

But now it is spring, the days are getting marvelously longer, and I care about bikes again. And thanks to my students being on break and the weather being ridiculously good, I actually rode 19 hours last week, which is more than I had ridden in the previous 8 weeks combined. So it's a start. I got in my first race of the season last Saturday at the Johnny Cake Lane Spring Series #1, and the team worked incredibly well together to deliver Big Dan Greenfield for the win. We were pretty pleased, because despite the fact that it was just a training race, there were some really good guys there. We managed to have guys in every break, and on the last lap we just took over setting up a train for our designated sprinter, Brad Warren, and leaving room for The Danimal to play the role of spoiler, which he did perfectly. Ca-Caaaw!! (cried the paisley Hawk).

Thanks for reading, happy spring.
